March 31, 2021 marks the 4th anniversary of CMC Global’s anniversary. Throughout the Company’s development, the people of CMC Global now have the chance to look back and be proud of the achievements we have achieved together.

More than 850 employees and 150 global partners

From its early days, CMC Global started with only 134 employees. Today, this number has increased seven times, exceeding the initial expectations and goals. This achievement is the result achieved by all individuals dedicated efforts, displaying by CMC Global’s valuable contracts from domestic and international markets.

Maintaining the growth momentum, CMC Global continued to move faster entering the Japanese market and opening the first representative office in Yokohama after only three months. In 2019, CMC Global spread across Vietnam with 2 new representative offices in Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh. This is the force for the Company to leverage for its future rapid growth plans in the regional market. So far, we have worked with more than 150 partners and customers worldwide and become a long-term “companion” of leading international corporations.

In addition to business efforts, CMC Global also shows efforts in improving and digitizing its operating systems, ensuring the working process of the production force and the back-office team to achieve maximum efficiency. The DX department of the Company has developed many internal applications such as C-now, C-talk, C-wiki, SF4C to centralize the management work and serve the needs of all employees to work and communicate more conveniently and quickly.

Won Sao Khue Award for two consecutive years, affirming service quality with ISO 27001 and ISO 9001

The year 2020 marks the Company’s initial success after three years of establishing when CMC Global was honored to receive the Sao Khue award – a prestigious award in the IT field for the category “Software outsourcing services” two years in a row.

This award recognizes CMC Global’s efforts in conquering the international market and affirming its position in the IT industry. Not stopping there, in the same year, CMC Global successfully maintained the certificate of ISO 27001 on Information Security and won a certificate of ISO 9001 on Quality Management Process. These efforts of the SEPG department and the coordination of other departments to get new certifications such as ISO, CMMi… are a solid foundation to ensure the Company’s quality of products and services.

At CMC Global, each individual is an important piece of the big picture that makes the organization as strong as it is today. In 2019, CMC Global people together participated in many internal bonding activities such as the Global Super Cup football tournament, the Women’s Day, the Year-End Party celebration, etc., They have also contributed to the material of many internal articles on Dolphin to maintain the image of a dynamic and colorful CMC Global.

In 2020, the CMC Global people joined forces to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic and simultaneously donate a day’s salary for Vietnamese people suffering from floods in the Central region. Nevertheless, these contributions and participation are of great significance to help build a more united and stronger CMC Global. Only when we are united can the organization develop sustainably in the future.

Road to 2025 and more

Global people have achieved specific achievements in the past four years, but there are still many new goals in the way ahead. Not only stopping at the number of 850 employees, four offices, but CMC Global also has the ambition to set foot in more markets and recruit more IT talents to serve the sustainable development of the business in the future. Four years is a strong start for CMC Global’s goal to 2025 – to become the top 3 IT enterprise in the region with 5,000 employees. But most importantly, the way we go, grow and work together is the leading destination because the organization’s success is the resonance of each individual’s success.

On the 4th birthday, CMC Global would like to send the most sincere thanks to all employees who have been devoting themselves to the company’s today success and to the great things that are happening in the future. Let’s look forward to the future journey, and strive for more!