CMC Japan

アーカイブ: CMC - Customer Story

CMC JapanがSalesforceで日本政府の行政手続きをデジタル化

CMC JapanがSalesforceで日本政府の行政手続きをデジタル化

CMC Japanが Salesforceで日本政 …

CMC Social Listening For Market Research

Our customer stories CMC …

AI Chatbot For Customer Support Activities

Our customer stories AI C …

CIVAMS for face and vehicle plate recognition at parking lot

Our customer stories CIVA …

Mobile Parking App For Driver

Our customer stories Mobi …

Ride-hailing Application Development

Ride-hailing Application Development

Our customer stories Ride …

Smart Health Application

Smart Health Application Development

Our customer stories Smar …

Banking Platforms Testing

Our customer stories Bank …

logistics app

Logistics Smart Applications Development

Our customer stories Logi …

Cinema System Operation & Maintenance

Cinema System Operation & Maintenance

Our customer stories Cime …

System Testing Development

Telematics System Testing & Development

Our customer stories Tele …

Embedded Testing Solution For In-car Driver Applications

Embedded Testing Solution For In-car Driver Applications

Our customer stories Chal …


If you have any questions about how our solutions will shape your future projects, don’t hesitate to drop us an email and have a talk!